
General Messages on your self-concept, what you need to work on, what actions are coming toward you with your self-concept, messages from your spiritual team, Self-care advice.

General Reading

Comprehensive messages and advice for you – A little bit of everything!

Career Reading

General information about your career either what you are doing or plan to do, what you could do to help yourself in your career, what you need to work on in your career, and advice.  

Relationship Energy Reading

Pull general energy between you and love interest or person, general messages about relationship, what needs to be worked on, and advice.

Peek at Your Partner for Love

General messages on what your partner thinks of you, how they feel about being in a relationship with you, actions that they have coming toward you, what they are working on for the relationship, and what they want you to work on.

Peek at your Partner General Reading

General messages about what’s going on in their life currently, what are they currently working on, what action is coming to them, and/or what actions are they taking.

Sex Tarot

What your partner desires sexually with you.

Money Reading

General messages about your relationship with money, what you need to work on when it comes to money, and advice on money

Yes or No question

Pull an answer to a Yes or No question. Only Yes/No questions accepted; each question charged individually. 

4 Weeks of Check-In Readings

Get a read every week for a month on the same subject only 4 spots open per month.

Intuitive Reading

A wildcard reading with messages from Spirit that could be about anything from any of the other categories (love, money, career, self-concept) OR simply general messages you need to receive.

Are You Ready To Get The Clarity and Answers You Need?

Submit a request for a reading now and I will be in touch with you!

Readings are taken as spots open up. Submit a request so that you can hold your place in my queue and then wait on a response for the next steps.

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